December really is a magical month. Especially because of the time we spend with the ones we love, and the joy we share with the people around us. December exams are usually not magical at all. Yet I can say that my exam period was quite nice. What adds to this is of course strolling the flickering streets of Paris and window shopping, which is quite special in this time of the year. My favorite decorations are (again) in Galeries Lafayette where this year different cute animals dance around the Christmas tree. Adding to it the beautiful design of the store itself is just magical.
Le Bon Marché hasn't impressed me much this year, but they indeed succeeded to attract my attention with their windows. I especially liked the colors.
December je res čaroben mesec. Predvsem zaradi časa, ki ga preživimo z najbližjimi in veselja, ki ga delimo z ljudmi okrog sebe. Decembrski izpiti ponavadi niso čisto nič čarobni, pa vendar lahko rečem, da je bilo moje izpitno obdobje še kar simpatično. K temu seveda prispevajo sprehodi do lepo okrašenih izložb po svetlikajočih se ulicah Pariza. Moje najljubše dekoracije so (letos spet) v Galeries Lafayette, kjer so to leto smreki dodali luštkane živali, ki plešejo okrog smreke. Če k tem dodamo še res čudovit design trgovine, je čarobnost res neizogibna.
Le Bon Marché me letos ni tako zelo navdušil, so pa vsekakor uspeli pritegniti mojo pozornost s svojimi izložbami. Predvsem so mi všeč njihove barve.
The weather is really moody lately. At one moment the sun is shining and Jardin du Luxembourg is the perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the city, with the reflection of the sun in the fountain. And then the next day it doesn't stop raining and the only color you can see is grey. At least the Christmas lights seem even brighter at such moments.
Vreme je res muhasto zadnje dni. En dan je res najlepše sonce in Jardin du Luxembourg res simpatičen umik od hitečih ulic, kjer se sonce lesketa v fontani, potem pa drug dan dežuje in je sivina vseprisotna. Takrat so vsaj lučke še bolj svetleče.
I am spending the last days of this year in the best possible company - with my two favorite girls in the world. We go to my favorite Parisian places, cozy cafes with good coffee and tasty cakes, don't skip all the museums and galleries and enjoy the endless walks around this great city. Slowly we will be setting the New Year goals, looking a bit back on what the year has brought us but especially being focused on what the new one has to offer. Have a great time you too!
Zadnje dneve tega leta preživljam v najboljši možni družbi - s svojima najljubšima puncama na svetu. Obiščemo moje najljubše pariške kotičke, gremo v simpatične kavarnice z dobro kavo in mnjami torticami, ne izpustimo čisto vseh muzejev in galerij ter predvsem uživamo v neskončnih sprehodih okrog tega finega mesta. Počasi bomo razmislile o željah za novo leto, pogledale malo nazaj in na to, kar nam je to leto prineslo, predvsem pa se osredotočile na to, kar nam ima novo leto ponuditi. Tudi tebi želim čim več finih trenutkov!