Sunday, December 1, 2013

December is here! - December je tu!

December is a magic month. Clichés or not, I like the decorations, the happy spirit, smell of the mulled wine and cinnamon. And the snow. I always wish for snow in December. It really adds to this magic. December is the month for spending time together, eating well, appreciating beautiful moments.

The first day of this magic month was well in this style for me. Well, let me forget about a paper I needed to submit a day later. But other than that, my magic was there because of a small christmas market in Saint Germain des Près, mulled wine with people I appreciate and an evening walk on the decorated streets of Paris. Magical!

December je čarobni mesec. Klišejsko ali ne, jaz imam res rada božične dekoracije, veselo vzdušje, vonj po kuhanem vinu in cimetu. In sneg. V decembru si vedno želim snega. Res doda k temu čarobnemu vzdušju. December je mesec za preživljanje časa skupaj z ljudmi, ki so nam dragi, mesec dobre hrane in mesec, ko cenimo lepe trenutke še bolj kot ponavadi.

Moj prvi dan tega čarobnega meseca je bil v točno takšnem vzdušju. No, če pozabim na seminarsko nalogo, ki sem jo morala oddati naslednji dan. Ampak razen tega sem si čarobnost pričarala z manjšo božično tržnico v Saint Germain des Près, kuhanim vinom s ljudmi, ki jih cenim, in večernim sprehodom po okrašenih ulicah Pariza. Čarobno!

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