Sunday, February 15, 2015
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Pomladni Pariz - Paris in Spring

Ne morem verjeti, da je že sredina februarja. Januarja je bilo konec kot bi mignil, še posebej zaradi vseh zadev, ki so se dogajale, odkar sem se vrnila v Pariz prvega januarja. Selitev iz enega stanovanja v drugega (pravzaprav sem potrebovala par tednov, da sem vse svoje stvari od vseh prijateljev, ki so jih shranili zame, prenesla v novo stanovanje), novo pripravništvo, Charlie Hebdo in ves pariški kaos, pomešan z žalostjo, strahom in jezo. Božičnih lučk ni več (hvalabogu, letos jih kar niso in niso sneli!). Malo je snežilo v Parizu, ravno toliko, da so vsi pretiravali z navdušenjem.
Prejšnji vikend je bil čudovit. Prava zima – mrzlo, a sončno. Okej, priznam, da bi moral biti sneg po vseh pravilih v tej zimski enačbi, ampak meni je čisto fino brez. V mislih sem že pri pomladi. Tulipani pripomorejo k temu, dnevi se daljšajo, in ko se vračam domov iz službe, ni več tako temno.
Ko sem zadnjič kolesarila, sem imela flashback mrzle, ampak čudovite pomladi v Kopenhagnu. Kolesarjenje po Østerbrogade, postanek na Gunnar Nu Hansens Plads za latte in tortico na sončku s sončnimi očali in odpetim plaščem, potem pa navdušeno opazovanje cvetličarn s čebulicami na poti, ki vabijo, da jih kupiš in preoblečeš svoje stanovanje v pomladno vzdušje!
V tem trenutku sem se zavedla, da očitno vsako leto enkrat februarja začnem sanjati o pomladi in vsem, kar paše zraven. Lani so me čebulice in sončno vreme spomnili na Kopenhagen pred enim letom, ko sem tudi sama dobila svojo čebulico, in zdi se, da mi je bilo to tako zelo všeč, da zdaj o tem sanjam vsako naslednje leto. Letos sem imela samo tulipane, ampak bom kmalu pogledala za kakšno čebulico, ki jo bom opazovala rasti.
Doma, v Sloveniji, pa se pomlad očitno zdi še kar daleč stran. Na Facebooku in Instagramu mojih prijateljev je nešteto snežnih in zimskih fotk. Zdi se mi precej čudno, če si poskušam predstavljati takšno vzdušje tu v Parizu. No, v vsakem primeru bom morala počakati še kakšna dva meseca, preden Ben and Jerry’s Cone Day pride v Pariz in odpre sezono sladoleda. Ampak veste kaj? Kdo pravi, da je ne morem odpreti sama? Pomlad, pridi kmalu! :)
Prejšnji vikend je bil čudovit. Prava zima – mrzlo, a sončno. Okej, priznam, da bi moral biti sneg po vseh pravilih v tej zimski enačbi, ampak meni je čisto fino brez. V mislih sem že pri pomladi. Tulipani pripomorejo k temu, dnevi se daljšajo, in ko se vračam domov iz službe, ni več tako temno.
Ko sem zadnjič kolesarila, sem imela flashback mrzle, ampak čudovite pomladi v Kopenhagnu. Kolesarjenje po Østerbrogade, postanek na Gunnar Nu Hansens Plads za latte in tortico na sončku s sončnimi očali in odpetim plaščem, potem pa navdušeno opazovanje cvetličarn s čebulicami na poti, ki vabijo, da jih kupiš in preoblečeš svoje stanovanje v pomladno vzdušje!
V tem trenutku sem se zavedla, da očitno vsako leto enkrat februarja začnem sanjati o pomladi in vsem, kar paše zraven. Lani so me čebulice in sončno vreme spomnili na Kopenhagen pred enim letom, ko sem tudi sama dobila svojo čebulico, in zdi se, da mi je bilo to tako zelo všeč, da zdaj o tem sanjam vsako naslednje leto. Letos sem imela samo tulipane, ampak bom kmalu pogledala za kakšno čebulico, ki jo bom opazovala rasti.
Doma, v Sloveniji, pa se pomlad očitno zdi še kar daleč stran. Na Facebooku in Instagramu mojih prijateljev je nešteto snežnih in zimskih fotk. Zdi se mi precej čudno, če si poskušam predstavljati takšno vzdušje tu v Parizu. No, v vsakem primeru bom morala počakati še kakšna dva meseca, preden Ben and Jerry’s Cone Day pride v Pariz in odpre sezono sladoleda. Ampak veste kaj? Kdo pravi, da je ne morem odpreti sama? Pomlad, pridi kmalu! :)
I can’t believe it’s mid-February already. January has gone by in a flash. This was even more so given everything that has happened since I got back in Paris on the first of January. Moving from one apartment to another one (it took me several weeks actually to get all my belongings from all of my friends who had stored them for me), starting a new internship, Charlie Hebdo and Parisian chaos mixed with sadness, fear and anger. The Christmas lights are all gone by now (thanks god, they kept them forever this year!). It snowed a tiny little bit in Paris, just so everyone got overwhelmed.
The past weekend has been marvellous. The real winter – cold but sunny. Ok, I admit that snow should be in that equation too, but I am pretty happy without it. In my mind I am actually in the spring season already. Tulips contribute very much to that, days are getting longer and it’s not that dark anymore when I come back home from work.
When I was cycling the other day, I had a flashback of cold but beautiful spring in Copenhagen. Cycling down the Østerbrogade, stopping at Gunnar Nu Hansens Plads for latte and cake while sitting on the sun with sunglasses and open jacket, and then passing several flower shops with flower bulbs, inviting to buy them and bring the springish atmosphere in your apartment.
I’ve realised just now that apparently every year at some point in February I start dreaming about spring and all that comes with it. Last year the sunny weather and flower bulbs reminded me of Copenhagen a year before, when I got one for the first time, and it seems like I liked it so much that I dream of it every year since then. This year I’ve only had tulips but I will soon have a look for yet another flower bulb, which I will then watch grow.
Back home, on the other hand, spring apparently still seems far away. Facebook and Instagram feeds of my friends are flooded with snowy photos. It seems so strange to put myself in the wintery mood again, even though those photos are usually super beautiful. Well, I guess I will still need to wait for about two months before the Ben and Jerry’s Cone Day comes in town again and opens the ice cream season. But you know what – who says I can’t open it myself? Spring, come quickly!:)
The past weekend has been marvellous. The real winter – cold but sunny. Ok, I admit that snow should be in that equation too, but I am pretty happy without it. In my mind I am actually in the spring season already. Tulips contribute very much to that, days are getting longer and it’s not that dark anymore when I come back home from work.
When I was cycling the other day, I had a flashback of cold but beautiful spring in Copenhagen. Cycling down the Østerbrogade, stopping at Gunnar Nu Hansens Plads for latte and cake while sitting on the sun with sunglasses and open jacket, and then passing several flower shops with flower bulbs, inviting to buy them and bring the springish atmosphere in your apartment.
I’ve realised just now that apparently every year at some point in February I start dreaming about spring and all that comes with it. Last year the sunny weather and flower bulbs reminded me of Copenhagen a year before, when I got one for the first time, and it seems like I liked it so much that I dream of it every year since then. This year I’ve only had tulips but I will soon have a look for yet another flower bulb, which I will then watch grow.
Back home, on the other hand, spring apparently still seems far away. Facebook and Instagram feeds of my friends are flooded with snowy photos. It seems so strange to put myself in the wintery mood again, even though those photos are usually super beautiful. Well, I guess I will still need to wait for about two months before the Ben and Jerry’s Cone Day comes in town again and opens the ice cream season. But you know what – who says I can’t open it myself? Spring, come quickly!:)
Monday, February 9, 2015
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