Jesen se nam res želi oddolžiti za mraz in dež v avgustu. Čudovite sončne dneve imamo, ko skoraj pomislim, da je še vedno poletje, potem pa me vonj odpadlega listja spomni, da je tudi na koledarju že jesen. Dnevi se krajšajo in kar smešen je občutek, ko se okrog 20h že začne večeriti.
Ta teden sem se sprehodila čez 17. okrožje, kamor res nikoli ne grem, in bila sem očarana. Tak, počasni, družinski predel se mi je zdel. In kar naenkrat sem se znašla v parku Monceau, ki je na meji z 8. okrožjem. Bila je sreda, ko imajo otroci v Franciji prosti dan, tako da je bil park poln otrok, ki so se lovili, igrali, smejali.
Poleg igral, vrtiljaka in gugalnic je v parku mini jezero z romantičnimi mostovi, na vsakem koraku pa lahko vidimo številne kipe. Park ni čisto nič francoski. Bolj spominja na münchenski Englischer garten, samo da je manjši, seveda. V sončnem dnevu je enostavno poiskati senco in si vzeti trenutek miru. Dokler mimo ne priteče razigrana skupinica otrok.
Ta teden sem se sprehodila čez 17. okrožje, kamor res nikoli ne grem, in bila sem očarana. Tak, počasni, družinski predel se mi je zdel. In kar naenkrat sem se znašla v parku Monceau, ki je na meji z 8. okrožjem. Bila je sreda, ko imajo otroci v Franciji prosti dan, tako da je bil park poln otrok, ki so se lovili, igrali, smejali.
Poleg igral, vrtiljaka in gugalnic je v parku mini jezero z romantičnimi mostovi, na vsakem koraku pa lahko vidimo številne kipe. Park ni čisto nič francoski. Bolj spominja na münchenski Englischer garten, samo da je manjši, seveda. V sončnem dnevu je enostavno poiskati senco in si vzeti trenutek miru. Dokler mimo ne priteče razigrana skupinica otrok.
Autumn is really trying to make it up to us for the cold and rain in August. We are having great sunny days and I almost catch myself thinking that it is still summer, until the smell of the fallen leaves reminds me that even calendars say it is autumn now. The days are getting shorter and it feels somehow strange when it starts getting dark around 20h.
This week I walked through the 17th arrondissement where I really never go, and I was enchanted. It seemed like a slow, family-like part of Paris. And suddenly I found myself in the Park Monceau on the border with the 8th arrondissement. It was Wednesday, when French kids have a day off, and the park was full of children, running around, playing and laughing.
Apart from the playground, the carrousel and swings, there is a smaller lake with small romantic bridges and there are several randomly placed statues. The park doesn't seem very French. It rather reminds of Englischer garten in Munchen, just that this one is smaller, of course. It is easy to find a shade on a sunny day and have a moment of peace. Until another group of playful kids comes by.
This week I walked through the 17th arrondissement where I really never go, and I was enchanted. It seemed like a slow, family-like part of Paris. And suddenly I found myself in the Park Monceau on the border with the 8th arrondissement. It was Wednesday, when French kids have a day off, and the park was full of children, running around, playing and laughing.
Apart from the playground, the carrousel and swings, there is a smaller lake with small romantic bridges and there are several randomly placed statues. The park doesn't seem very French. It rather reminds of Englischer garten in Munchen, just that this one is smaller, of course. It is easy to find a shade on a sunny day and have a moment of peace. Until another group of playful kids comes by.

Sicer pa se je v zadnjih dnevih veliko dogajalo. Delček tega vsak dan povzamem na Instagramu, kjer še vedno vztrajam pri #100happydays. Zdaj sem že čez polovico. Joj, kako hitro beži čas!
V tem času sem zaključila svoje pripravništvo. Preden začnem z novim (exciting!!), bom za krajši čas prišla domov, v Slovenijo. Tega sprva nisem predvidevala, se pa veselim. Splet okoliščin je poskrbel, da se spet sprehodim čez Ljubljano. Pred tem… Pred tem bom odpotovala na Sever za par dni, potem pa preletela celo Evropo in še malo, na potovanje, ki si ga že nekaj časa želim. V vsaki situaciji je vedno nekaj pozitivnega.
V tem času sem zaključila svoje pripravništvo. Preden začnem z novim (exciting!!), bom za krajši čas prišla domov, v Slovenijo. Tega sprva nisem predvidevala, se pa veselim. Splet okoliščin je poskrbel, da se spet sprehodim čez Ljubljano. Pred tem… Pred tem bom odpotovala na Sever za par dni, potem pa preletela celo Evropo in še malo, na potovanje, ki si ga že nekaj časa želim. V vsaki situaciji je vedno nekaj pozitivnega.
Lately, there has been a lot going on. I share a bit of that on Instagram every day, where I continue with #100happydays. I am more than half way through by now. Ohh, how the time passes by.
Meanwhile I have finished my internship. Before I start a new one (exciting!!), I will come back home, to Slovenia, for a short while. I haven't planned this at first, but I am looking forward to it. A given set of circumstances gave me an opportunity to stroll the streets of Ljubljana again. But before that… Before that I will travel to the North for a few days, and then fly all the way through Europe and a bit further, for a trip I have dreamed about for a while now. There is always something positive in any situation. Stay tuned!
Meanwhile I have finished my internship. Before I start a new one (exciting!!), I will come back home, to Slovenia, for a short while. I haven't planned this at first, but I am looking forward to it. A given set of circumstances gave me an opportunity to stroll the streets of Ljubljana again. But before that… Before that I will travel to the North for a few days, and then fly all the way through Europe and a bit further, for a trip I have dreamed about for a while now. There is always something positive in any situation. Stay tuned!

Follow my 100 Happy Days on my Instagram.
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