
happy |ˈhapē|
adjective (happier, happiest)
feeling or showing pleasure or contentment
If I was to sum up my past month with one word, it would be “happy”. It was busy, at times stressful, with lots of deadlines, but all in all I kept the smile on my face and enjoyed almost every moment of it. Almost like the littleboy crocodile on the photo above I finally managed to capture on a sunny day in Strasbourg.
At the end of March, the conference we have been working on for more than 10 months, finally happened. I spent a really nice but intense week in Strasbourg (I don’t exaggerate if I say that I spent almost all my days in the European Parliament, like literally), surrounded by motivated young Europeans and the best organisers team, wearing high heels, lipstick and dresses 24/7. As the Head of layout and design, the printer and my computer were never far from me, but apart from that I was passing the security check every morning, listening to Germaninterpreter interpreting, running around and making sure everything went smoothly, laughing, not sleeping enough, and having the feeling of great satisfaction and happiness.
adjective (happier, happiest)
feeling or showing pleasure or contentment
If I was to sum up my past month with one word, it would be “happy”. It was busy, at times stressful, with lots of deadlines, but all in all I kept the smile on my face and enjoyed almost every moment of it. Almost like the little
At the end of March, the conference we have been working on for more than 10 months, finally happened. I spent a really nice but intense week in Strasbourg (I don’t exaggerate if I say that I spent almost all my days in the European Parliament, like literally), surrounded by motivated young Europeans and the best organisers team, wearing high heels, lipstick and dresses 24/7. As the Head of layout and design, the printer and my computer were never far from me, but apart from that I was passing the security check every morning, listening to German
sréčen -čna -o
prid., sréčnejši tudi srečnéjši (ẹ́ ẹ̄)
ki je v razmeroma trajnem stanju velikega duševnega ugodja
Če bi morala svoj pretekli mesec povzeti z eno besedo, bi bil moj mesec srečen. Bil je zelo zaposlen, včasih stresen, z veliko roki, ampak ves čas sem uspela obdržati nasmeh na obrazu in uživati skoraj vsak trenutek. Skoraj tako kot malifantek krokodil na zgornji fotki, ki mi jo je končno uspelo posneti na sončen dan v Strasbourgu.
Konec marca se je končno odvila konferenca, ki smo jo pripravljali več kot 10 mesecev. Preživela sem res simpatičen, a intenziven teden v Strasbourgu (ne pretiravam, če rečem, da sem skoraj vse svoje dneve preživela v Evropskem parlamentu, in to dobesedno), obkrožena z navdušenimi in motiviranimi mladimi Evropejci in najboljšo organizacijsko ekipo, v visokih petah, šminko in formalnih oblekah 24/7. Kot se spodobi za vodjo layout and design ekipe, sta bila tiskalnik in moj računalnik vedno v moji bližini, ampak poleg tega sem se vsako jutro počekirala na security checku, poslušalanemškega tolmača nemško tolmačenje v dvorani, skakala z enega konca na drugega in skrbela za to, da bo vse teklo, kot je treba, se smejala, premalo spala in imela ves čas občutek velikega zadovoljstva in sreče.
prid., sréčnejši tudi srečnéjši (ẹ́ ẹ̄)
ki je v razmeroma trajnem stanju velikega duševnega ugodja
Če bi morala svoj pretekli mesec povzeti z eno besedo, bi bil moj mesec srečen. Bil je zelo zaposlen, včasih stresen, z veliko roki, ampak ves čas sem uspela obdržati nasmeh na obrazu in uživati skoraj vsak trenutek. Skoraj tako kot mali
Konec marca se je končno odvila konferenca, ki smo jo pripravljali več kot 10 mesecev. Preživela sem res simpatičen, a intenziven teden v Strasbourgu (ne pretiravam, če rečem, da sem skoraj vse svoje dneve preživela v Evropskem parlamentu, in to dobesedno), obkrožena z navdušenimi in motiviranimi mladimi Evropejci in najboljšo organizacijsko ekipo, v visokih petah, šminko in formalnih oblekah 24/7. Kot se spodobi za vodjo layout and design ekipe, sta bila tiskalnik in moj računalnik vedno v moji bližini, ampak poleg tega sem se vsako jutro počekirala na security checku, poslušala


Coming back to Paris afterwards and catching up on everything I have missed at the university was also intense, but with great organisation and a bit of luck everything went smoothly.
Easter celebration turned out to be a double celebration this year – it was my birthday a week or so ago. Yey :) And then another big and motivating Zumba France event, another Creative Morning, another dose of happiness.
Easter celebration turned out to be a double celebration this year – it was my birthday a week or so ago. Yey :) And then another big and motivating Zumba France event, another Creative Morning, another dose of happiness.
Intenziven je bil tudi prihod nazaj v Pariz, v kratkem času sem morala nadoknaditi vse, kar sem zamudila na faksu, ampak z dobro organizacijo in kančkom sreče se je vse izteklo super.
Velikonočno praznovanje je bilo letos dvojno praznovanje - teden dni nazaj sem imela rojstni dan. Jej :) Potem pa še en velik in motivacijski Zumba France dogodek, še en Creative Morning, še ena doza sreče.
Velikonočno praznovanje je bilo letos dvojno praznovanje - teden dni nazaj sem imela rojstni dan. Jej :) Potem pa še en velik in motivacijski Zumba France dogodek, še en Creative Morning, še ena doza sreče.

And then final classes, final papers, final quizzes – my semester is almost done and I have been a busy bee those past weeks, but somehow I still manage to attend great events, spend some wonderful days with people I love, and enjoy my days, despite the rain and cold.
I am writing two last papers now and finish my exams in a week, and then I go to the North for a short while. Given the current Parisian weather I can’t say I need to cool down, but I will definitely spend some cool days there! :)
I am writing two last papers now and finish my exams in a week, and then I go to the North for a short while. Given the current Parisian weather I can’t say I need to cool down, but I will definitely spend some cool days there! :)
Potem pa še zadnja predavanja, zadnje seminarske, zadnji kolokviji - moj semester je skoraj pri koncu in te zadnje tedne sem bila busy bee, pa vendar mi še vendo uspeva iti na odlične dogodke, preživeti luštne dneve z ljudmi, ki jih cenim, ter hkrati uživati dneve kljub dežju in hladu.
Trenutno končujem zadnji dve seminarski nalogi in prihodnji teden končam z izpiti. Potem grem pa za kratek čas na Sever. Zaradi trenutnega kislega pariškega vremena se mi ni treba ohladiti, ampak severni zrak mi bo vsekakor super del! :)
Trenutno končujem zadnji dve seminarski nalogi in prihodnji teden končam z izpiti. Potem grem pa za kratek čas na Sever. Zaradi trenutnega kislega pariškega vremena se mi ni treba ohladiti, ampak severni zrak mi bo vsekakor super del! :)