
The past few days were like a long ride on a roller coaster – fun, intense, a bit tiring and especially fast. I had been at so many different places in a short time period, cycling around Paris with a double scarf (it’s quite cold on the bike), feeling like a superwoman (catwoman maybe?) but at the end of the day just falling into my bed without any trace of insomnia problems. It all started with a weekend trip to Rennes and Mont Saint Michel (where the upper photo was taken), but I will write about that a bit later.
Zadnji dnevi so bili kot dolga vožnja na vrtiljaku – zabavni, intenzivni, malo utrujajoči in predvsem zelo hitri. V res kratkem času sem bila na čisto različnih koncih, kolesarila po Parizu z dvojnim šalom (na kolesu je kar mrzlo), se počutila kot superwoman (mogoče catwoman rajši?) in na koncu dneva samo padla v posteljo brez sledu problemov z nespečnostjo. Vse se je začelo z vikend izletom v Rennes in Mont Saint Michel (kjer je nastala zgornja fotka), ampak o tem kdaj drugič.

It seemed as if that roller coaster was a bit international too. I went to more Chinese events than in my whole life before, I believe. Apart from the Chinese New Year celebrations, Jan 27 marked the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic ties between China and France, and I got to know about the best events, such as a big spectacle in the Grand Palais. Chinese decorations, Chinese electric rock, Chinese culture, spring rolls – and on top of that the Chinese New Year, défilé with the dragon trying to catch the ball in front of it. Very special, even for someone like me who is usually not the biggest fan of Asia in general.
Zdelo se je, da je bil tale vrtiljak tudi malo mednaroden. Zdi se mi, da sem šla na več kitajskih dogodkov kot prej v celem življenju skupaj. Poleg praznovanja kitajskega novega leta sta Kitajska in Francija 27. januarja praznovali 50. obletnico diplomatskih vezi. V okviru tega sem izvedela za res super dogodke, kot je bil na primer spektakel v Grand Palais. Kitajski okraski, kitajski električni rock, kitajska kultura, pomladanski zavitki – in za povrh vsega tega še velik sprevod z zmajem, ki je poskušal ujeti kroglo pred seboj. Zelo posebno je bilo to vse skupaj, tudi za nekoga kot sem jaz, ki načeloma nisem največja ljubiteljica Azije na splošno.

The weather seems to be on a roller coaster too. Not such a crazy one as in Slovenia (compared to that I should actually keep quiet here), but the sun, clouds, cold and rain somehow seem not to be able to agree on whose turn it is. One moment I wake up into a beautiful sunny morning and then when I get my feet out of the apartment, it is raining. Yey.
Signing up for zumba classes on Monday morning was one of the best decisions I have taken lately. After internal fights still in bed (“Oh, it is sooo cold”, “Just 5 more minutes”, “What if I skip it today? Just today?”) I get myself out of the bed, get dressed and take a bike. Already on the bike I feel amazing. And then in the gym I just enjoy it so much! It reminds me of Copenahgen where I started with zumba and did it several times per week.
I am leaving to Birmingham for a weekend meeting for one of the projects I participate in. I am looking forward but will need to keep myself well organized with all the rest of the work since I wont have a real weekend to catch up on things. I hope the weather will be good. For the company I know already :)
Signing up for zumba classes on Monday morning was one of the best decisions I have taken lately. After internal fights still in bed (“Oh, it is sooo cold”, “Just 5 more minutes”, “What if I skip it today? Just today?”) I get myself out of the bed, get dressed and take a bike. Already on the bike I feel amazing. And then in the gym I just enjoy it so much! It reminds me of Copenahgen where I started with zumba and did it several times per week.
I am leaving to Birmingham for a weekend meeting for one of the projects I participate in. I am looking forward but will need to keep myself well organized with all the rest of the work since I wont have a real weekend to catch up on things. I hope the weather will be good. For the company I know already :)
Tudi vreme se zdi na vrtiljaku. Ne tako norem kot v Sloveniji (če primerjam s tem, bi morala jezik držati za zobmi, namesto da tarnam), ampak sonce, oblaki, mraz in dež se nekako ne znajo uskladiti, kdo je na vrsti in kdaj. V enem trenutku se zbudim v res čudovito sončno jutro in potem, ko pomolim svoje noge iz stanovanja, dežuje. Jej.
Vpisala sem se na zumbo ob ponedeljkih zjutraj. To je bila ena izmed boljših odločitev v zadnjem času. Čeprav se zjutraj v postelji bojujem sama s sabo (“Oh, kako je mrzlo”, “Samo še pet minut”, “Kaj pa, če danes ne grem? Samo danes?”), se nekako spravim iz postelje, se oblečem in grem na kolo. Že na kolesu se počutim odlično, potem v dvorani pa enostavno uživam! Spomnim se na Kopenhagen, kjer sem začela z zumbo in sem šla v fitness večkrat na teden.
Ta vikend grem v Birmingham na vikend sestanek za enega izmed projektov, v katerih sodelujem. Veselim se, ampak se bom morala dobro organizirati glede ostalega dela, ker ne bom imela vikenda v pravem smislu, da bi nadoknadila stvari. Upam, da bo vreme super. Družba bo gotovo :)
Vpisala sem se na zumbo ob ponedeljkih zjutraj. To je bila ena izmed boljših odločitev v zadnjem času. Čeprav se zjutraj v postelji bojujem sama s sabo (“Oh, kako je mrzlo”, “Samo še pet minut”, “Kaj pa, če danes ne grem? Samo danes?”), se nekako spravim iz postelje, se oblečem in grem na kolo. Že na kolesu se počutim odlično, potem v dvorani pa enostavno uživam! Spomnim se na Kopenhagen, kjer sem začela z zumbo in sem šla v fitness večkrat na teden.
Ta vikend grem v Birmingham na vikend sestanek za enega izmed projektov, v katerih sodelujem. Veselim se, ampak se bom morala dobro organizirati glede ostalega dela, ker ne bom imela vikenda v pravem smislu, da bi nadoknadila stvari. Upam, da bo vreme super. Družba bo gotovo :)

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