I guess it is the time for me to take winter clothes from the last
non-unpacked box. And prepare a cup of cinnamon&apple tea. And put some
warm socks on. I smelled it tonight, the winter. The temperatures went down,
the winter is coming into town. Slowly. I like it.
Cold and windy Copenhagen prepared me well for Paris
weather. It is nothing compared to last year’s Danish weather, but sometimes it
doesn’t seem that far from it, to be honest. So I keep cycling instead of using
the metro, even if I go a bit farther, and I keep enjoying it.
Today, on a Saturday, I went to the groceries. Riding the
bike back home with a full basket and passing the Louvre and then one of the
bridges over Seine, I was thinking that even the most ordinary thing, such as
shopping for food on a Saturday morning, seems special in Paris. Or maybe it is
just me seeing it as special.
Anyhow, I enjoy Paris a lot. I am getting better in remembering
the one-way streets (oh, they are just so many here!!), avoiding the tourists
and rather take some smaller but nicer streets and boulevards. I am not waiting
at the red light but pass when I see it is safe to do so.
A friend of mine, a non-French, told me the other day: “You are so French!” When I asked him why, he went on: “The way you say this and that, the body language you have – you just seem so French.” I took that rather as a compliment. Some people have said so far that I have a French accent in English. This is rather not a compliment :D And it is not true, just to be clear on that :D
But I wouldn’t want to argue about my immersion into another culture. I think it is a great thing one can do when living in a foreign country for some time. A lady I talked to for a very short while in Paris, two or three years ago, told me: “When you are in another country, you must eat what people there eat.” She wanted to emphasize the importance of immersion into another culture, and that it makes no sense comparing all the time with your home country, criticizing instead of accepting, avoiding instead of trying. I think she had a very good point there.
And not-good point of the day: in the shops they already sell chocolate advent calendars. And what is even worse – I saw some people buying them! :D Crazy world.
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Mislim, da je čas, da odpakiram še zadnjo ne-odpakirano škatlo, škatlo z zimskimi oblekami. In čas, da si pripravim skodelico cimetovega in jabolčnega čaja. In oblečem tople nogavice. Začutila sem vonj po zimi, danes zvečer. Temperature so se spustile, zima se bliža. Počasi. Všeč mi je!
Mrzel in vertoven Kopenhagen me je dobro pripravil na pariško vreme. Ne more se primerjati z lanskim danskim vremenom, ampak moram vseeno priznati, da se včasih ne zdi tako daleč. Še naprej torej kolesarim namesto vožnje z metrojem, tudi če grem malo dlje, in še naprej uživam v tem.
Danes, v soboto, sem šla v trgovino po hrano. Ko sem se peljala domov s polno košarico na kolesu in sem šla mimo Louvra pa potem čez enega od mostov čez Seine, sem razmišljala o tem, da se tudi najbolj enostavna stvar, kot je nakupovanje hrane v soboto zjutraj, zdi posebna v Parizu. Ali pa se samo meni zdi posebna.
Kakor koli, Pariz mi je res všeč. Vse boljša postajam v
tem, da si zapomnim enosmerne ulice (ki jih je tu res veliko!!), da se izognem
turistom in raje kolesarim po manjših in simpatičnih ulicah in avenijah. Ne
čakam več pri rdeči luči na semaforju, ampak prečkam cesto, ko vidim, da jo je
varno prečkati.
Prijatelj, ne-Francoz, mi je pred kratkim rekel: “Ti si
tako francoska.” Ko sem ga vprašala, kaj me naredi francosko, je nadaljeval: “Način,
kako rečeš to in tisto, kako to poveš s celim telesom – enostavno francoska se
zdiš.” To sem vzela kot kompliment. Zgodilo se je že, da mi je kdo rekel, da
imam francoski naglas, ko govorim angleško. To, na primer, ni kompliment :D In
samo da je jasno – ni res :D
Kar pa se tiče moje “potopitve” v tujo kulturo, mislim, da
je imel moj prijatelj prav. Zdi se mi, da je ena izmed najboljših stvari, ki
jih lahko naredimo, ko živimo v tuji državi, ta, da se “potopimo” v kulturo te
države. Gospa, s katero sem se pred leti za kratek čas pogovarjala v Parizu, mi
je rekla: “Ko si v tuji državi, moraš jesti to, kar jedo prebivalci te države.”
Kar je želela poudariti, je ravno ta pomembnost “potopitve” v tujo kulturo in
to, da nima smisla stalno primerjati stvari s svojo domovino, kritizirati
namesto sprejemati, izogibati se namesto preizkušati. Mislim, da je gospa z
menoj delila zelo pomembno modrost.
In ne-dober utrinek dneva: v trgovinah že prodajajo
čokoladne adventne koledarje. In kar je še hujše – videla sem ljudi, ki so jih
dejansko kupovali! :D Narobe svet.