Monday, September 22, 2014
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Jutro v Parizu - Morning in Paris

Danes sem šla v službo pol ure prej kot ponavadi. Prisežem, da sem kolesarila skozi drugačen Pariz kot ponavadi. Kavarne, butiki, trgovine so bili v večini še zaprti. Avtomobili dostavljalcev so bili parkirani na pločnikih (in kolesarskih stezah, khm!), promet je bil precej zgoščen. Zdelo se mi je, kot da sem prišla na zabavo, ki se je še pripravljala in kjer je vladalo vzdušje naglice. Kot da se ponavadi tiste pol ure prej vse pripravi, da lahko lepo odkolesarim v službo. Vse se mi je zdelo drugače. Temperatura, sonce, vzdušje, svetloba. Pol ure razlike. Nisem mogla verjeti. Edino, kar je bilo enako, je bila polna Velib postaja, kjer sem morala počakati, preden sem lahko parkirala svoje kolo. Večkrat sem si že rekla, da bom vstala malo prej in izkoristila zgodnje jutro pred službo, ampak mi kar ne uspe. Zdaj, ko vidim, da Pariz diha popolnoma drugače, si želim, da bi se šla kdaj res zelo zgodaj zjutraj sprehodit po ulicah Pariza. Večer je prav tako precej spremenjen, včasih celo mističen, ampak brez te jutranje svežine in nežnega sončnega vzhoda. Za ponoviti vsekakor.
Today I went to work half an hour earlier than usually. I swear that I was cycling through a different Paris than usually. Cafés, boutiques, shops were mostly still closed. The cars of deliverers were parked on the sidewalks (and cycling lanes, khm!), the traffic was quite heavy. It seemed as if I came to a party that was still being prepared and where the atmosphere of a rush was omnipresent. As if usually it takes this half an hour to prepare everything, so I can cycle nicely to my office. Everything seemed different. The temperature, sun, the atmosphere, the light. A difference of half an hour. I couldn't believe it. The only thing that remained the same was a full Velib station where I needed to wait before I was able to park my bike. So far I have said to myself several times that I would get up a bit earlier and make the most of my early morning before work, but somehow I rarely succeed. Now that I see that Paris is breathing completely differently, I wish to stroll the streets of Paris at some point very early in the morning. The evening is equally different, sometimes I would even call it mystical, but this freshness and mild sunrise is not there. I will definitely do that again!