Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Where to go in Warsaw? The best places in the Polish Capital - Kam v Varšavi? Najboljši kotički v poljski prestolnici

The capital of Poland was for a long time hidden below the weight of its tragic past, portraying the image of a boring and grey city. This rather poor image does not reflect reality anymore. Warsaw is undergoing a big change, and this process, this metamorphose, is very promising. Design, architecture and contemporary art have found its place in this capital, which is worth a visit.

Yet, before an eye of a visitor notices that renaissance of the city, it surely stops on the traces of communist era. Despite the development of the city, the heavy past of this city is not disappearing, and it somehow seems right not to.

Poljska prestolnica je bila pred očmi sveta dolgo časa skrita pod težo težke preteklosti in se je zdela bolj dolgočasno in sivo mesto kot kaj drugega, bolj pozitivnega. Ta zelo poenostavljena in uboga slika prestolnice ne odraža več resnične podobe mesta. Varšava se zelo hitro drastično spreminja in razvija, ta preobrazba pa se zdi zelo obetajoča. Dizajn, arhitektura in sodobna umetnost so našli svoj prostor v tej prestolnici, ki je vsekakor vredna obiska.

Pa vendar – preden lahko oči obiskovalca opazijo to preobrazbo mesta, se zagotovo najprej ustavijo na ostankih iz obdobja komunizma. Kljub razvoju mesta sledi preteklosti ostajajo, in nekako se tako zdi edino prav.

Even more – this stamp is what makes the city special. As I have mentioned the other day, Warsaw is a city of many faces, which makes it interesting for visitors. There is something for everyone. I have found some great places you should visit when in Polish capital in order to experience some more local and less touristic Polish spots.

The old city centre is very lovely and the time seems to stop there for a while. Colored buildings, narrow streets, cobbled stones, the city wall and more create altogether a great atmosphere. Buy yourself a waffle with a topping of your choice (I can never have enough of cream. In combination with fruits is just delicious) and enjoy it while strolling around the old part of the city. After you pass the city wall and head towards Marie Curie’s house, stop in the nicest Polish coffee place To Lubię. Besides great atmosphere in this small and super lovely place in a belfry of the Dominican church, they offer the best fruit tea I have had in Warsaw together with all home-baked pastries. I could spend hours there, I swear.

Ta pečat je pravzaprav tisti, ki naredi Varšavo zanimivo in posebno. Kot sem na hitro omenila zadnjič, je Varšava mesto mnogih obrazov, kar je zelo zanimivo za obiskovalce. Zagotovo se najde nekaj za vsakogar. Sama sem našla par res simpatičnih točk, ki bi morale biti na seznamu vsakega obiskovalca, ki želi Varšavo odkriti kot domačin in ne le kot turist.

Staro mestno jedro je res simpatično in zdi se, da se čas tam ustavi za trenutek. Barvite stavbe, ozke ulice, tlakovane poti, mestni zid in še več skupaj ustvarijo res odlično vzdušje. Kupi si vafelj z nadevom po izbiri (sama nimam nikoli dovolj smetane. Skupaj s sadjem na vaflju je res top) in ga pojej med počasnim sprehodom po starem delu mesta. Po tem, ko greš mimo mestnega zidu proti hiši Marie Curie, se ustavi v najbolj simpatični poljski kavarnici To Lubię. Poleg res finega vzdušja v tej majhni in simpatični kavarni v zvoniku dominikanske cerkve ponudijo res najboljši sadni čaj, kar sem jih pila v Varšavi, in to skupaj z vsemi domačimi slaščicami. Prisesžem, da bi lahko tam ostala ure in ure.

There are quite some really nice parks in Warsaw, which are all simply beautiful during the autumn time. The most talked about is Park Łazienki, the largest park in Poland with the Palace on the Water, but you shouldn’t miss the botanical garden on the roof of the university library. The latter is apparently very popular among newlyweds who want to remember their wedding with a collection of photos in a beautiful setting.

Varšava ima kar nekaj res simpatičnih in v jesenskem času naravnost čudovitih parkov. Najodmevnejši je Park Łazienki, ki je največji poljski park s Palačo na vodi, nikakor pa ne smete spregledati botaničnega vrta na strehi univerzitetne knjižnice. Očitno je slednji zelo priljubljen med mladoporočenci, ki želijo svojo poroko ovekovečiti z zbirko lepih fotografij.

Last but not least, there are some very modern places in Warsaw, accompanied by a great design and architecture. Not to be missed is Mysia 3, a concept store building just a few steps from Ulica Nowy Świat, the famous palm tree and Charles de Gaulle monument. I had the chance to attend the opening of a really interesting photo exposition of a Danish young artist Jacob Aue Sobol, “Arrivals and Departures”, in Leica Gallery on the top floor of Mysia 3.

If you want to do some shopping, go to Plac Unii instead in the humongous shopping centre behind the central station (which is worth visiting because of its extraordinary architecture). It is a newly opened and super beautiful shopping centre a bit out of the city centre, but worth visiting. It also makes you discover the city even better. Go there after you had been to Park Łazienki and stop in Ministerstwo Kawy on the way back to the centre. Ministerstwo Kawy is a really nice coffee place where mainly locals go.

Ne gre pozabiti na kar nekaj zelo modernih delov Varšave z odličnim dizajnom in arhitekturo. Zelo zanimiv je manjši trgovski center s konceptom Mysia 3, samo par korakov stran od Ulice Nowy Świat, slavne palme in spomenika Charlesa de Gaulla. Imela sem srečno priložnost, da sem se udeležila odprtja foto razstave mladega danskega umetnika Jacoba Aue Sobola, “Arrivals and Departures”, v Leica Gallery v najvišjem nadstropju Mysia 3.

Za res fin shopping priporočam Plac Unii namesto ogromnega nakupovalnega centra za glavno postajo (ki ga je vseeno vredno obiskati zaradi res zanimive arhitekture). Plac Unii je na novo odprt in res lep nakupovalni center malo ven iz strogega centra mesta, ampak res vreden ogleda. Hkrati je to fina priložnost za odkritje drugih delov mesta. Pojdi tja na poti od Parka Łazienki in se kasneje na poti nazaj v center ustavi v Ministerstwo Kawy, res fini kavarni, kamor večinoma zahajajo le prebivalci Varšave.

Some of my favourite places for drinks and food (some of them have already been mentioned):

To Lubię for delicious cakes, tortillas and tea
Ministerstwo Kawy for great pastries, bagels and lemonades
Pies czy Suka for cocktails and an amazing design/concept store experience
Croque madame for a nice French breakfast (I know, not that Polish at the end)
Zurawina for delicious lunch in a fancy atmosphere (less untypical Polish though)
Nekaj mojih najljubših kotičkov za pijačo in hrano (nekateri so bili že omenjeni):

To Lubię za slastne sladice, tortilje in čaj
Ministerstwo Kawy za res fine tort ice, bagelse in limonade
Pies czy Suka za koktajle in za res odličen dizajn/trgovino s konceptom
Croque madame za simpatičen francoski zajtrk (vem, da to ni tako zelo poljsko, pa vendor)
Zurawina za res odlično kosilo v bolj fensi vzdušju.