I am not one of the “crazy for London” girls. I have been
there a few times now and did have a
good time, but there have always been at least five other cities I would put
before London when planning my holidays. Until now. My week in London was fantastic!
Nisem ena izmed tistih
punc, ki skačejo do stropa, ko slišijo besedo “London”. Večkrat sem že bila tam
in sem se seveda imela fino, ampak sem vedno lahko naštela vsaj pet ostalih
mest, kamor bi si želela prej kot v London. Do zdaj. Moj teden v Londonu je bil
Little Venice, London |
- “One cannot eat well in London.” Soooo wrong! I have eaten so good during that week that it is actually good I don’t live there :D
- “It is too huge.” Ok, true to a big extent, but when you figure out the nicest spots, you have it in your pocket.
- “It rains all the time.” People who believe that are just so mistaken. When I was there (and it is still Spring!), the weather was just perfect. Super sunny, no wind, no rain. One whole week.
- “V Londonu ne moreš dobro jesti.” Reeeees ne drži! V tem tednu v Londonu sem jedla tako dobro, da je pravzaprav dobro zame, da ne živim tam :D
- “London je prevelik.” Okej, to delno drži, ampak ko ugotoviš, kje so najbolj luštni kotički, se tudi London spremeni na velikost žepa.
- “Ves čas dežuje.” Ljudje, ki verjamejo v to, živijo v veliki zmoti. Ko sem bila jaz v mesto (in še vedno je pomlad!), je bilo vreme enostavno čudovito. Izjemno sončno, brez vetra, brez dežja. En cel teden.
There are however some things that still make London stay a bit lower on the list of my favorite cities.
- It is (almost) too dangerous to cycle. And the metro, oups, tube, is just so big and therefore so time consuming. Buses stop too often – and walking sometimes just takes too much time.
- Everyone runs. All the time. Not only for sports. It seems like people cannot stop and have a deep breath. Crazy. It kind of absorbs you, it is really difficult to stay clam and relaxed.
- Too many tourists. No other words needed.
- Skoraj (pre)nevarno je kolesariti. In metro, ups, tube, je takoooo velik in vzame ogromno časa. Avtobusi se ustavijo prepogosto – in peš hoja včasih preprosto vzame preveč časa.
- Vsi tečejo. Ves čas. Ne samo za šport. Zdi se, da se ljudje sploh ne znajo ustaviti in vdihniti. Noro. Na nek način te kar posrka tak način življenja, ko si tam. Včasih se je res težko umiriti in sprostiti.
- Preveč turistov. Tega ni potrebno dodatno komentirati.
Portobello Road Market |
I will soon put the best memories together and share them
with you. Until then I send you some warm sun from Copenhagen. Oh, Summer
feeling! What is your favourite part of London?
Kmalu bom zbrala najboljše spomine in jih delila tu. Do takrat pa lahko delim nekaj čudovitih sončnih žarkov iz Kopenhagna. Oh, občutek poletja! Kateri je pa tvoj najljubši delček Londona?
Kmalu bom zbrala najboljše spomine in jih delila tu. Do takrat pa lahko delim nekaj čudovitih sončnih žarkov iz Kopenhagna. Oh, občutek poletja! Kateri je pa tvoj najljubši delček Londona?