Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Top 5 Danish movies - Najboljših 5 danskih filmov

After a sequence of really hot weeks in Slovenia, some rain finally came and cooled the atmosphere a bit. I should not exaggerate, it is still warm, but it might be a bit easier now to breathe. The other day I was shopping a bit and, of course, trying on all the beautiful clothes from the new collections (instead of sticking to the numerous discounts). I fell in love with a red winter coat from Massimo Dutti but at the end only bought a red scarf. For now :)

Po vročem poletju v Sloveniji se je končno malo ohladilo. Ne bom pretiravala, še vedno je toplo, samo malo lažje pa se vendarle diha. Pred kratkim sem malo nakupovala in, seveda, pomerjala vse čudovite obleke iz nove kolekcije (namesto da bi pobrskala malo med zadnjimi popusti in ujela kakšen dober deal. Zaljubila sem se v rdeč zimski plašč Massimo Dutti, ampak sem na koncu vseeno kupila samo rdeč šal. Zaenkrat :)

When I was thinking about what I usually do on a rainy day, one thing right away popped up in my mind - it's time for a movie. For a good one. During my last year in Copenhagen I watched and really enjoyed quite a lot of Danish movies films. After watching a few of them it is easy to discover the way Danish films are made and I have enjoyed every single one I have seen. They are nothing like Hollywood movies. They often have quite a tough story which is played out really well, and they always make you want to discuss them with someone once the lights in the cinema turn on again.

Razmišljala sem, kaj ponavadi počnem na deževen dan. Takoj sem se spomnila ene stvari - deževen dan je dan za film. Za dober film. Tekom lanskega leta v Kopenhagnu sem gledala kar nekaj danskih filmov, ki so mi bili izredno všeč. Ko jih pogledaš ene par, je dosti enostavno prepoznati način, kako so posneti, saj je slog malce netipičen (obenem pa v dosti pogledih precej podoben slovenskemu načinu snemanja filmov). Danski filmi niso čisto nič podobni hollywoodskim. Pogosto je zgodba precej težka in odlično odigrana, filmi pa te nikoli ne pustijo ravnodušne. Ko se luči v dvorani zopet prižgejo, si želiš film že čez nekaj trenutkov predebatirati z nekom.

Here is a selection of my top 5 Danish films, but there is more to it than those five films I suggest.

Tu je moj top 5 izbor danskih filmov, ampak dobrih danskih filmov je še mnogo več kot teh pet, ki jih predlagam.

1. The Hunt (Jagten)

2. In a Better World (Hævnen) 

3. A Hijacking (Kapringen) 

4. A Royal Affair (En kongelig affære) 

5. Prague (Prag)

If you want to watch Danish films in Copenhagen, Danish On A Sunday is something you should definitely know about. It is an awesome project in Copenhagen - screening of the best Danish films twice a month, in Danish and with English subtitles. Plus you can get a good price for some danish pastry. What more could one wish for? Read more about it here.

Če želiš gledati danske filme v Kopenhagnu, vsekakor ne gre zamuditi odličnega projekta Danish On A Sunday. Dvakrat na mesec tekom celega leta Kinoteka v Kopenhagnu predvaja najboljše danske filme, v danščini in z angleškimi podnapisi. Plus za dobro ceno lahko uživaš v danskih slaščicah. Kaj več bi si še lahko zaželeli? Več informacij najdeš tu. Če pa te zanima, kako je iti v danski kino, preberi tale post.

Any thoughts on (danish) films? Do share them here :)

Kaj si pa ti misliš o (danskih) filmih? Pokomentiraj spodaj :)

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