Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Paris - for a year. Or two.

Paris. The city of lights, or how do they say? The city of love, fashion, art, politics, macaroons, the Eiffel Tower and, of course, the Champs Elysées. Or the city of berets, baguettes and accordion. As you want. My city. It’s been my city for the third week in a row, and there are still many to come. As many needed to add up to two years. At least two years. After a year in Copenhagen, where I graduated, Paris was there, waiting for me. The promised city ever since I was accepted to my French university four years ago. “When you are big, you will study in Paris.” We all knew that and expected it – and now this moment has come. Paris.

Pariz. Mesto luči, al kako že rečejo. Mesto zaljubljencev, mode, umetnosti, politike, makronov, Eifflovega stolpa in, seveda, Elizejskih poljan. Ali pa baretk, baget in harmonike. Kakor hočete. Moje mesto. Že tretji teden zapored, pa še kar nekaj jih bo. Toliko, da bo vsega skupaj naneslo dve leti. Vsaj dve leti. Po letu v Kopenhganu, kjer sem diplomirala, me je pričakal Pariz, obljubljeno mesto že odkar sem bila štiri leta nazaj sprejeta na svojo francosko univerzo. “Ko boste veliki, boste pa v Parizu študirali.” Vsi smo to vedeli in pričakovali – in zdaj je prišel ta čas. Pariz.

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