Sunday, March 16, 2014

Beautiful Evenings - Čudoviti večeri

Spring doesn't only bring beautiful days to Paris. Days get longer and the evenings are just beautiful. The sky is often so beautiful that no camera can really capture its changing colors.

I have been doing zumba quite a lot lately. The other day there was an amazing event organized by Zumba France at the Berges De Seine, just a few minutes from where I live. 2h of zumba, great instructors, cool music - it was just amazing. And my Sunday yoga classes now take place on the terrace outside, as the weather is so great.

The flower bulb which was still closed a week ago has now transformed into a beautiful purple flower. It smells nice and it brings spring in every corner of my little apartment.

There has been a lot going on, in a bit more than a month I am done with my semester and I only have exam period left. Oh, how time flies! :)

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Pomlad ne prinese samo čudovitih dnevov v Pariz. Dnevi se daljšajo in večeri so enostavno čudoviti. Nebo je pogosto tako lepo, da noben fotoaparat ne bi mogel zares ujeti vseh lepih spreminjajočih se barv.

Zadnje čase sem precej v zumba-vzdušju. Pred kratkim je Zumba France organizirala fantastičen dogodek na Berges De Seine, samo par minut stran od mojega stanovanja. 2 uri zumbe, odlični inštruktorji, super glasba - bilo je res neverjetno. In moja nedeljska joga se zdaj pogosto odvija zunaj na terasi, ker je vreme tako super.

Čebulica, ki je bila še kakšen teden nazaj zaprta, se je zdaj spremenila v čudovito vijolično rožo. Res lepo diši in prinese pomlad v vsak kotiček mojega mini stanovanja.

Precej se je dogajalo v zadnjem času, v mesecu dni bom končala semester in mi bodo ostali samo še izpiti. Oh, kako čas beži! :)

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Just another cool Sunday - Še ena super nedelja

Mid-term exams are much funnier with the great weather in one and a delicious smoothie in another hand. Great atmosphere is all around. I started my Sunday with a short morning walk to the best boulangerie in the neighborhood (and one of the only ones open early on Sunday), I was wearing spring skirt, ballerinas and a new beautiful tote bag, out of which was on the way back peeking still warm baguette. It was a great Sunday! 

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Kolokviji so mnogo bolj zabavni s soncem v eni in mnjami smoothijem v drugi roki. Odlično vzdušje je vsepovsod. Nedeljo sem začela s kratkim sprehodom do najboljše pekarne v četrti (in ene izmed redkih, ki so odprte zgodaj v nedeljo), oblečena v pomladno krilce in balerinke, z novo čudovito tote bag, iz katere je na poti nazaj kukala še topla bageta. Super nedelja je bila!