Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Birthday Party - Rojstnodnevna zabava

Birthday means cake! A cake and good mood. Today I go to a birthday party of my 12-year-old cousin and I am looking forward to the evening!

Rojstni dan pomeni torto! Torto in dobro voljo. Danes grem na praznovanje 12. rojstnega dne in večera se veselim.

I still remember how we celebrated birthdays as children. We created invitations and gave them to our friends. I usually wanted to show that my party was going to be different, as soon as with an invitation itself. Then of course followed the preparation of the party. The party meant many things - from karaoke and board games to movie and popcorn. Since I live in block of flats it was a bit difficult to play hide and seek, but we managed even that. I was looking for all the hair brushes which served as microphones, I was collecting all the sleepers at one place so noone would have cold feet, and then I prepared napkins. And a cake, of course. At all of that I was very often (well, at least at the beginning) a helper, a liitle elf who told the mom the number of the children and the motive of the napkins :)

Spomnim se še, ko smo kot otroci praznovali rojstne dneve. Izdelali smo vabila in jih razdelili med svoje prijatelje. Sama sem ponavadi sem že z vabilom želela pokazati, da bo moje praznovanje posebno. Potem pa seveda priprava. Praznovanje je pomenilo ogromno stvari - od karaok in družabnih iger do filma in kokic. Ker živim v bloku, smo se težje igrali skrivalnice, pa tudi to nam je včasih uspelo. Po stanovanju sem iskala krtače za lase, ki so služile kot mikrofoni, zbirala na kup vse copate, ki smo jih imeli doma, da koga ne bi zeblo v prste, potem pa pripravila prtičke. In torto, seveda. Pri vsem tem sem bila pogosto (no, vsaj na začetku) bolj pomagač, mali škratek, ki je mami povedal število otrok in želeni motiv na prtičkih :)

It has been a long time since I celebrated birthday that way. Last year I invited for the first time after a long period some friends to my place and we played Activity along some snacks (and two cakes at midnight). I however keep an eye on all the interesting ideas for the best birthday party. Well, it coul also be just a garden party (on a balcony in a block of flats? :D). From the colorful flags to lemonades in marmalade jars, from cute name tags to funny games. It sounds very summerish though. Moment of inspiration? :)

Rojstnega dneva na tak način že dolgo nisem praznovala. Lansko leto sem prvič po dolgem času povabila par prijateljev k sebi domov in smo ob prigrizkih (in kar dveh tortah ob polnoči) igrali Activity. Že kar nekaj časa pa zbiram vse mogoče ideje za res super praznovanje. No, lahko bi bila tudi samo vrtna zabava (na balkonu v bloku? :D). Od pisanih zastavic do limonad v kozarcih za marmelado, od simpatičnih name tag-ov do zabavnih iger. Zveni zelo poletno sicer. Trenutni navdih? :)

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