Sunday, January 12, 2014

Wannabe Winter in Paris + DIY Jar for 2014

Ok, it’s official – there is snow even in NYC, but not in Paris. For a person who adores winter and snow the last couple of weeks (if not months) have been rather strange. As much as I have enjoyed all the sunny days and non-frozen toes while walking around, I have to admit that I miss snow. After a few years now I won’t be snowboarding this year neither, so I guess I can officially say that winter is over (or rather that it has never started). Adding to this my trip to Barcelona where I am at the moment, I think I will start celebrating spring when I get back to Paris at the end of January.

If this all means that this year is going to be full of warm moments (in all the senses), then frankly I am fine with it. You know how they say – the way a year starts determines the way the whole year will go. We will see :)

I am reading everywhere now about the New Year Resolutions and how everyone wants to get even more successful, richer and more beautiful. I have approached this differently this year. Very often what we do when we set the goals is to try to solve the entire issue at once and then we get frustrated because we loose motivation before we even start. What is better to do, however, is to start a small routine, which will bring you where you want. I read recently “the dreams that you have are very different from the actions that will get you there”.

I enjoy doing yoga but am very often a bit lazy to do so if I don’t go to a yoga class. What I wanted to start with was “I will do yoga every day for 30 min”. Instead, I will (for the moment) just try to establish a small routine and do yoga every day, even if just for 5 or 10 minutes. I can’t find excuses for 5 minutes (and to be honest, I believe that once I start with 5 minutes, it won’t stop there). I will focus on my lifestyle, not life-changing.

And finally, what I really enjoyed on my first day of 2014 was to open my Jar for 2013 in which I was collecting cute and nice memories throughout all the year. Remembering some of the little things I have completely forgotten about was really heartwarming and was a great way to put 2013 behind me. I have already prepared my Jar for 2014 and I encourage you all to do the same. You will like it at the end of a one-year adventure.

off with
an empty jar
and fill it with
notes about good
things that happen.
On New Year’s Eve, empty
it and see
what awesome stuff happened that year.

Let it be a great year! And don’t forget – it is what YOU make out of it ;)
Okej, zdaj pa res – še v New Yorku je sneg, samo v Parizu ne. Za nekoga, ki obožuje zimo in sneg, so bili tile zadnji tedni (če ne celo meseci) kar malo čudni. Res so mi bili všeč vsi sončni dnevi in ne-zmrznjeni prsti na nogah, ampak moram priznati, da pogrešam sneg. Po parih letih zdaj letos ne bom niti bordala, kar pomeni, da lahko uradno oznanim konec zime (no, ali pa to, da se letos sploh ni zares začela). Če k temu dodam še svoje potovanje v Barcelono, kjer sem v tem trenutku, mislim, da bom res začela praznovati pomlad, ko se vrnem v Pariz konec januarja.

Če to vse pomeni, da bo to leto polno toplih trenutkov (v vseh pomenih fraze), potem pa okej, prav. Saj veste, kako rečejo – po začetku leta se pozna celo leto. Bomo videli :)

Povsod prebiram v zadnjih dneh o novoletnih zaobljubah in kako vsi želijo postati še uspešnejši, bogatejši in lepši. Sama sem se letos tega lotila malo drugače. Zelo pogosto si, ko si zastavljamo cilje, želimo rešiti celotno zadevo naenkrat in smo potem razočarani, ker izgubimo motivacijo, še preden zares začnemo. Kar je boljše kot to, je to, da začnemo z majhno rutino, navado, ki nas bo pripeljala, kamor želimo. Pred kratkim sem prebrala, da so sanje, ki jih imamo, precej drugačne od dejanj, ki nas bodo pripeljala do teh sanj, na kar ljudje pogosto pozabljamo.

Sama, na primer, res uživam v jogi, ampak sem pogosto malce lena in najdem tisoč in en izgovor, da se izognem jogi, če ne grem na “uradno” seanso joge. Moja želja za 2014 je bila najprej “Vsak dan bom delala jogo 30 minut”. Namesto tega bom (vsaj zaenkrat) poskusila začeti z malo navado – delati jogo vsak dan, čeprav samo za 5 ali 10 minut. In resno – verjamem, da se ne bo končalo s petimi minutami, enkrat ko že začnem. Osredotočila se bom na stil življenja, ne na spreminjanje življenja.

Preden napišem zadnjo piko – kar mi je bilo res všeč na prvi dan 2014, je bilo to, da sem odprla svoj “kozarec za 2013”, v katerem sem tekom celega leta zbirala simpatične trenutke v stavku ali dveh. Ob prebiranju listkov iz kozarca sem se spomnila majhnih utrinkov, na katere sem že čisto pozabila, in mislim, da je bil to lušten način za poslovitev od leta 2013. Kozarec za 2014 sem že pripravila in z veseljem predlagam to tudi vam. Všeč vam bo, še posebej na koncu enoletne dogodivščine.

off with
an empty jar
and fill it with
notes about good
things that happen.
On New Year’s Eve, empty
it and see
what awesome stuff happened that year.

Naj bo super leto! In ne pozabite – bo takšno, kakršnega si boste VI naredili ;)


  1. Živjo, ker ne najdemo nobenega kontakta na strani, te kar tule obveščamo, da smo tvoj blog po predlogu bralke Jagodke uvrstili med kandidate, ki se potegujejo za prosto mesto na Đuboxu, listi slovenskih blogov za vse želje in okuse: http://dzuboksblogs.blogspot.com/2014/01/prisleki-st-5.html


  2. Kako super blog in zapisi :)! In Paris, itak <3 :)...

