Thursday, December 5, 2013

Sun and winter and advent calendar - Sonce, zima in adventni koledar

The winter in Paris has been great so far. Lately we have had some really beautiful sunny days with 5 degrees or so, which makes it very enjoyable. Cold but not too cold, so walking or cycling around doesn't result in too red cheeks and nose.

Now that December has started, I am just secretly hoping for some snow. It should get colder for this, but I am ok with lower temperatures, if I can trade them for some snow. After winter in Copenhagen, the temperatures really aren't an issue for me.

What is funny is that last year in Copenhagen I was arguing with my friends that it doesn't get dark at 15h but only around 16h. And that this is not that much earlier than in France, for instance. Now in Paris, it is still light at 17h, so I have a feeling that my winter days are very long. And I realize only now that it did get dark quite earlier in Copenhagen. Well, I can't be always right, I guess :)

Adding a great advent calendar to it, it could really hardly get better. Are you wondering how it looks this year? It is not related to exams as two years ago neither in a form of a DIY Christmas tree with a small present for the last days of the year as last year. Stay tuned :)
Zimski dnevi v Parizu so zaenkrat res super. Zadnje čase smo imeli par res lepih sončnih dni s približno 5 stopinjami, kar je res prijetno. Mrzlo, ampak ne preveč. Ravno toliko, da po sprehajanju ali kolesarjenju naokrog lička in nos niso preveč rdeči.

Zdaj, ko se je december začel, si potiho želim samo še snega. Za sneg bi morale biti temperature malo nižje, ampak jih sprejmem, če pride z njimi še sneg. Po kopenhagenski zimi me temperature res ne morejo več zmesti.

Kar je smešno, je to, da sem se lani v Kopenhagnu pregovarjala s prijatelji, da se ne stemni že ob 15h, ampak šele okrog 16h. In da to ni tako zelo prej kot v Franciji, na primer. Zdaj, ko sem v Parizu, je okrog 17h še vedno dan in občutek imam, da so moji dnevi res dolgi. In šele zdaj se zavem, da se je v Kopenhagnu res stemnilo kar dosti prej. No, vedno najbrž ne morem biti prav :)

Če vsemu temu dodam še adventni koledar, bi si težko želela več. Vas zanima, kakšnega imam letos? Ni povezan z izpiti kot pred dvema letoma niti z DIY novoletno smrekco in manjšim darilcem za zadnje dni leta kot lani. Pridite nazaj kmalu :)

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