Friday, October 25, 2013

Autumn Holidays! - Jesenske počitnice!

Kinder went Christmas. Schoko-Bons have Christmas decoration. I haven’t even noticed it right away, but when I did, it gave me a weird feeling. Christmas. It is actually not that far anymore.

Anyhow, Schoko-Bons are great to celebrate a week of holidays, and if Christmas motives represent the holiday spirit, then be it. I have a week off, after the mid-term exams and lots of hours spent at the university.

I am on my way to Warsaw, Poland. It will be my first time in a country I have heard so much about from my friends, and I am really looking forward to it!

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Kinder se je obarval božično. Schoko-Bons vrečka je okrašena z božičnimi motivi. Na začetku dekoracije sploh nisem opazila, ko pa sem jo, sem se zdrznila. Božič. V bistvu ni več tako daleč.

Kakor koli, Schoko-Bons so odlični za praznovanje tedna počitnic, in če božični motivi predstavljajo počitniško vzdušje, potem pa tudi prav. Imam en teden počitnic, po kolokvijih in urah preživetega časa na faksu.

Sem na poti v Varšavo, na Poljsko. Prvič bom šla v državo, o kateri sem od svojih prijateljev slišala veliko simpatičnih stvari. Res se veselim!

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